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As a Small Business Owner:
but don’t really know how to get them consistently
Click play to listen to our CEO,
Brad Swezey, describe the Problem that most small businesses are facing.
"Brad provided a platform and outline for me to focus on what is important for my business. His service allowed me to identify and focus on my target market."
Len DellaRocco, Owner of Space Coast Benefits
ⓧ You Aren’t a Marketing Business
ⓧ You Don’t Have a Plan
ⓧYou Are At the Mercy of Some Ruthless Advertisers That Promise you the world, but deliver a nothing as you watch your money go down the drain.
Sound familiar? But what is the Solution?
Our Solution:
We become your “Marketing VP/Consultant”
Click play to listen to our CEO,
Brad Swezey, describe the solution to the problem that most small businesses are facing.
"Brad is the kind of guy you want on your side. He really does get you handshakes and will help you focus your goals. I highly recommend JustSmallBiz!"
Erika Williams, Owner of Yummy Florida
✔ We do the heavy work that you don’t have the time, skill or energy to do
✔ You Don't Have to Increase Overhead with Hiring a New Employee
✔ We provide you a way ahead (Marketing Plan) and help you get there
✔ You're no longer at mercy of ruthless advertisers
✔ You can sleep better knowing you have a plan and someone to help you
✔ You can focus on getting better at what you do, giving you the ability to help your current clients better and get more clients
See our Results
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